Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trash or treasure?

What are you feeding your mind today?  What did you watch last night?  What books are you reading? I know that I love my telly!  I love watching a good series, and there's always just another one to watch. Just another movie.  And the worst is that I tell myself it's because I need head space.  I need to chill. 

This is what Angela Perritt of GoodMorningGirls.org has to say:

I’m going to be real honest with you today………I’m not a fan of negative reality TV, especially the “Real Housewives of…” shows. I have watched a few episodes over the years, just to see what they are about and to form my own opinion, but they sadden me for so many reasons. Today I’d like to encourage you to put off our “old self” and put on your “new self”, to make “new the attitude of your minds,” and to “not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs…”
But how can we do this?
How can we make such a change from our past?

Read the rest on "What we are you feeding your mind?"

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