Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mel's Must Have #3: Birth Photography

Now before you jump to any conclusions, no I am not expecting baby no 5! Though the last time I said something like that I discovered I was pregnant a week later!  But this time I am sure!   About 3 weeks ago I met a really inspiring individual.  Her name is Marysol and she is has the privilege of being a birth photographer. - Now when I heard her say this, I had this glazed look on my face as I briefly remembered the delivery room - and I was like - oooooohhhh so you take photos of the baby being born.  (and in my mind I was thinking, no way would I want someone taking photos of the nether regions while giving birth).

But this is not what this lady does.  She does something so special and so precious - she captures those first moments.  

Wives don't want their husbands taking photos, they want their support - emotions run high during this time.  Marysol is very discreet and captures moments that are often missed.  The first time you see your precious bundle - the look on dad's face - memory moments.  

So if you are having a baby, or know of someone having a baby - forward this on to them. Marysol only books 2 families a month because she is on call before and after the due date. That means when you go into labour at 3am in the morning, she gets a call as well as the gynaecologist!  

And if like me, having babies is a thing of the past - consider making use of her services for family photos, weddings or birthdays.  If you visit her website you will see the excellent quality of her work. 

Please Note:  I was not asked to write this review and I get nothing for writing it - this is just another one of those things that I love, and would like to share with you.

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